Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Do Pigs, like Goldfish, Need Space?

I checked the photo in the story with a scam searcher for authenticity. Not conclusive evidence but it seems legit.

Today's news reports Reprieve for big pig 'the size of pony'
Georgina RobinsonSeptember 23, 2008 - 2:25PM

A giant rogue pig that a NSW woman says has been holding her a virtual hostage on her rural property in northern NSW will not be destroyed.
The wayward pig, nicknamed Bruce and reportedly the "size of a shetland pony", appears to have adopted Uki resident Caroline Hayes and is reluctant to leave her home, south of Murwillumbah.
The 63-year-old woman told the ABC she had been unable to leave her house or get to an outdoor toilet because Bruce was being "very pushy" and trying to get inside.
Two attempts to remove and destroy the animal have been unsuccessful and Tweed Shire Council has now handed the matter over to the Rural Lands Protection Board (RLPB).
A council spokeswoman said the RLPB has assured Ms Hayes they would take Bruce to a piggery after collecting him tomorrow and not end his life.
The RLPB could not be contacted for comment.
Ms Hayes told the ABC she took pity on the pig when he wandered into her yard 10 days ago, nicknaming him Bruce and patching up a few ailments.
"When I found it, it had 15 ticks in its eyes which I actually took out," she said.
"One of its eyes it couldn't see out of, so I put cream in it and I fixed its back up, but apparently it's actually claimed my land and claimed my place."
Ms Hayes became distressed when council officers tried to take the pig away and asked them to leave her property, a council spokeswoman said.
The council has also received calls from residents asking officers to leave Bruce alone, she said.
Ms Hayes says Bruce has been wreaking havoc in her yard.
"He's pulled a big king-size mattress out of my garage and he's ripped it up all around the yard," she told the ABC.
"And then he's come up again and I've got a mat outside my door, which he's actually rolled up.
"[He] put his nose underneath it and actually rolled it up into a perfect roll."
Ms Hayes, who told the ABC she was a vegetarian, also said she locked herself inside yesterday afternoon and did not come out again until late this morning.
"This morning, I wanted to go to my toilet, which is outside. I opened up the door and the pig pushed me that hard, it pushed me back into my room, where I fell over," she said.
"I picked up a broom and poked him out with it and he snapped it in half with his mouth."

In one of those coincidences I received an email this week regarding a pig killed 300ks south of Katherine in the Northern Territory. Now I've always thought pigs a bit scary because they are so deceptive in their movements. They look slow but, my can they motor. We have quite a few around here, sometimes on the golf course, and on one memorable night, a family enjoyed the dropped mangoes in the yard next door.

But this pig beats them. Look at its size. Imagine being confronted with that!

But wait - there's more.

An 11-year-old Alabama boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog that just may be the biggest pig ever found.
Jamison Stone's father says the hog his son killed weighed a 476kgs and measured 285cms from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail. Think hams as big as car tires.
If the claims are accurate, Jamison's trophy boar would be bigger than Hogzilla, the famed wild hog that grew to seemingly mythical proportions after being killed in south Georgia in 2004.

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