Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bozo the Brave

Torrens Creek resident Michelle Wu should have taken out Tattslotto this month. While clearing dangerous branches from around their house in Russell Street on a Monday afternoon a tree decided to fight back. Two branches felled her with a KO, catching her on the face.
Bozo, her dachshund/cattle dog sensed trouble then sat beside his mistress and howled the alarm.
Neighbours Kathy and Lofty Palmer found Michelle just as she regained consciousness. They became aware there was a problem when their phone call was unanswered.
They heard Bozo’s howls and discovered him guarding Michelle. On the far side of the house, hidden to the public traffic..
Michelle suffered shock, a blood nose and cut mouth. But for Bozo and caring neighbours things could have be much worse.
Bozo hiding his light under a bushell?

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