Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Finally I’m back on line. Hopefully the problem is fixed permanently. It is scary how necessary the internet has become to my life. I guess it is another symptom of the instant gratification generation - and the loss of patience.
This is the last day of November. Only 4 weeks until Christmas and I haven’t even got my cards. The early rain has upset the shopping routine too. Couldn’t get into town last week and now it’s going to be a rush to get all the parcels off in time. Among the many emails waiting to be opened when I got back on line I came across the following message which I thought was worth passing on. Nice to know that other countries approve of what we are doing.
Powerful stuff. May we all learn from it.
This is perhaps one of the most intense commercials that I've ever seen and very well made. I hope that by passing this along to others, it will make a difference and if just one life is saved, it will all be worth the effort .
I think that Australia should be complimented on having the guts to "tell it like it is" and get this campaign out to all of its licensed drivers and to air it on TV. It is very moving and very life like, so it has a very strong impact.
Some Things are Sent to Try Us. (a character I met last week, with a bit of poetic license .)
He drove up from Isisford,
that’s due south from Longreach,
for a trip he'd carefully planned
in a boat off Mission Beach.
But now beside me at the bar
his ruddy face was bleak
as he explained his presence
here in Torrens Creek.
“This flamin' wet weather
keeps followin' me around -
rained so hard along the coast
I think the fish all drowned.”
His granite face impassive
stern lips gave a bare tweak,
“Now it seems I'm stranded -
be here for another week.
“The road's cut, the creek's up
between here and Barcaldine.
so I'll stay 'til it goes down
and we see some more sunshine.
He sighed and settled on his stool,
Then downed his amber brew,
“Guess I'll chill here awhile
before I can shoot through.
“The beer's good, company too.
lots of peace and quiet,
and actually the menu here
beats my no fish diet.”
His eyes twinkled, he waved his glass
and called for another round,
adding, “So if my wife calls for me
please tell her I can't be found.
“I'll veg. out for awhile
play a round of golf - or more,”
swung his imaginary club
then he hollered “Fore!”
He seemed to be reconciled
to this unforeseen delay
separating him from family
500 kilometres away.

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